The Beginning of the Road

Here we are at the beginning of the road. The beginning of our journey. We re super excited and pumped, as you always are prior to commencing a new path. But, it's all about consistency isn't it, staying focused, staying pumped....

So here is my story, in brief..... I LOVE to waffle on....

I am now in the final stages of my Law degree, doing a double degree in Arts (Religion and Indigenous Studies) and Law. I have four beautiful babies that range in age from 3 to 18 and I work part time. Generally, I juggle all of that reasonably well. 

Until.... (there is often an UNTIL - hey?)

Last week I had to call an ambulance for my youngest child as she was struggling greatly to breathe. Her breaths were shallow and extremely laboured. We were rushed to our local hospital where oxygen, adrenaline and steroids were quickly administered. An initial diagnosis of pneumonia was over thrown with a final diagnosis of viral asthma. Tests also concluded that she has a high chance of suffering from long term respiratory issues. Coupled with an hereditary  tendency towards asthma and allergies the poor little girl has a journey ahead of her.

Sitting in that hospital emergency room watching my baby struggle, with tubes and monitors all around her I decided right there and then that I would make it my mission to research and learn and grow and provide her with the best possible environment in order to attempt to avoid a life of breathing difficulties. Unless you have ever struggled for air in your lungs, you may never fully appreciate the panic, the dread and the nightmare that comes with asthma and respiratory related issues.

So, here we are. One week later, set upon our journey to #makinggoodchoices. Better choices. Not perfect choices, just better choices, choices that suit our lifestyle and enhance everyone's health.

The first thing I have done is look at removing as many harsh chemicals from my home. I do know that chemicals and toxins in the air ways contribute to breathing difficulties. I am changing  to a new washing powder and this is my first step. Once the powder arrives I will write a review on it so you can all learn and grow with me. If you would like to look at some products that help to reduce chemicals and toxins in your home have a look here and use my PROMO code 434780 to get $10 off your first order.

Along the way I hope to educate myself and you all at the same time. I would LOVE any advice, tips, product reviews, feedback, old wives tales...ANYTHING to help Baby Clara breathe better.

Thank you

And remember #makegoodchoices.....



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