So, I had this grand idea that I would try quitting meat for a month and see how I felt. I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to try some new recipes, eat a few beans and lentils and generally be healthier and happier.

Truth is, I was so NOT prepared for the journey of quitting meat.

Whenever you too take something important out of your diet you need to replace it with something equal in nutritional value. Removing meat, or iron for me, means replacing it with a tonne of iron-rich plant based foods, and due to a tendency to be anaemic I found myself grabbing the iron tablets from the medicine cupboard...I read this article that showed me how much iron I need for my body... I also found this amazing blog about iron deficiency and early diagnosis.

Thus is what stopped me in my tracks. My whole journey here is about #makinggoodchoices. And for me, removing a natural source of protein and replacing it with a chemically produced tablet just didn't feel like a good choice. I actually only need to consume a small amount of red meat per week to keep my iron stored at a healthy level, and combined with a plant based diet, I am on the right track for excellent gut health and iron levels. 

I have realised there are no short, quick answers for me. I need long, well considered goo choices for longevity and good health. My kids need me to make good choices for me and for them. My children need strong immune systems, good iron levels and strong bones. I need to be strong in my mind, my body and my soul. 

I am so proud of me for working stuff out along this journey. For having the balls to say, "Hey I got this wrong, and I need to re adjust my view." For having the guts also to try new stuff and share it here on this open forum.

So. For me it is back to steak and bacon. And hey, that's ok.

Keep #makinggoodchoices.



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