Becoming a Vegetarian...

Meet my new humble friend....


it's ok, I haven't lost my mind...

I am just thinking outta loud and stuff...
That's kinda what blogging is for right?

So, I am thinking, I will give no-meat a go for a month and just see how I go and how I feel. It will encourage me to get a little more inventive with my cooking and try some new recipes. My children are all MASSIVE meat eaters and I will not be removing meat completely from their dinner plates. promise. But there will be some kid friendly meat-free dinners.

I did just cook a vegetable curry and Mr18 said.."Maaarmmm that was beautiful, I loved it, but where was the chicken?" When I explained I was intending to go meat free for a month he said, very clearly, as 18 year old boys do... "Mum, NO, you will kill me.."

Now, I know that is a tad dramatic, but I am interested to see how I feel without meat in my diet and more leafy vegetables and natural proteins.

I am looking to get protein in my diet from the following 
  • eggs
  • mushrooms
  • lentils
  • beans
  • nuts and seeds
I found this little graphic to explain my choices.

Image result for vegetarian protein foods list

If you have ANY recipes or links you would like to share please email me or comment below.
Continue #makinggoodchoices



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