I have to admit.
I am really struggling with it all today.
We were back to the Dr this morning, with the threat of hospital looming over us. Clara has developed a simple little runny nose and cough, but STRAIGHT AWAY it goes to her lungs and affects her breathing. Her oxygen saturation is low and ventolin is doing very little....
The Dr gave us a 5 day script for steroids and it is now a wait and see game.

I am doing EVERYTHING I possibly can.

We have very minimal chemicals in the house.
Our diet is good.
We are taking vitamins and minerals and drinks and using no soap products. 

I wanted to get a spray tan today...
I even gave that up in case it affects Clara..
So now I will go to the ball (Sam's formal) looking all pasty and white.

Today I just cuddles Clara and let her cry on my shoulder. She is over it also. The visit to the Doctor was ridiculously traumatic for her and she screamed and cried the entire time. 

I wanna do scream and cry too.

If you have ANY ANY ANY tips, please share.

I feel like eating salt n vinegar chips, drinking white wine and not #makinggoodchoices has


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